Congratulations! It’s time to start a new phase of your business by moving to a new property. Here are some basic tips you’ll need to consider, well before you start packing boxes:
1. Start planning your move at least six months in advance
Let’s face it: You can’t pack up your business or your operations on the fly. It will be tempting to wait until the last minute because there’s always a business issue to address, a deal to close, etc. But you’ll find that the longer you take to organize your move, the more efficiently you’ll be able to execute your move and your daily business operations.
Besides, it’s only fair to your employees to give them notice about the impending move, as soon as possible.
2. Provide your employees a copy of your new floor plan
Another thing that you can do to soothe nerves and create an efficient office move is to provide your employees copies of your new floor plan. If you’re operating a larger office, then at the very least, provide your key employees with copies of the new layout. This will allow employees to picture where they’ll be working, as well as how much space they’ll have to work within.
This will also prove helpful for employees so that they can determine how much to bring to their new working space.
3. Change your mailing address
This should go without saying, but in the midst of moving, this is a step that could be overlooked. If you’re operating a small office, then you might be tempted to use mail forwarding, but why not take the extra step of completing an address change? This will help the post office, and this also allows search engines to properly list your new address, well before you move into the new property.
4. Start tossing paper and equipment waste
One thing that moving does is force everyone to get rid of trash and other waste. Now is the perfect time to purge those bulging file cabinets. If there are time and workforce, then consider purging old computer files that aren’t serving a purpose, either. The reason why you’ll want to purge old computer files is to compress how much data you’ll need to backup before the move. Why transfer old paper or digital files that aren’t needed?
Can you think of a registered charity that could use your old office equipment? Now would be the time to make phone call inquiries. But if your equipment is on their last legs, then calling a junk hauling company is your best bet. The key during this phase is to get rid of anything that no longer serves a purpose.
5. Ensure that your moving company offers insurance for commercial moves
It’s crucial to ask your prospective moving company about the type of insurance protection policies they offer. Specifically, Cheap Movers Chicago says you should offer a generous policy that’s designed for commercial moves. Don’t make the mistake of hiring a moving company that doesn’t offer commercial protection, simply because they might be cheaper to hire.
6. Make sure your moving company specializes in commercial moves
Speaking of commercial moves, ensure that your prospective movers have a long history of commercial moves under their belts. Do your movers understand how to handle your delicate electronic equipment? Will your equipment require special coverings that are designed to protect them from dust and the elements? How many movers will be at your disposal during the moving day? Can you expect all hands on deck working on your behalf, or will you feel forced to roll up your sleeves and join in with packing up the truck?
There will be more fine details to consider. This is why it’s best for you to start making plans as earlier as possible so that your move can go as smoothly as possible.